How do I set up a student initiative at TU Braunschweig?

When is it worth setting up a student initiative?
If you are working together with several TU Braunschweig students on long-term projects that pursue a university-political, artistic, sporting, professional or social purpose, it may be worthwhile for you to register as a student initiative at TU Braunschweig.
How do I proceed if I want to set up a student initiative?
The TU Braunschweig has listed all the points for founding a student initiative here.
To register a student initiative at TU Braunschweig, you must submit an application to the TU’s legal department (Department 11). This application must include an informal letter to the President signed by 7 fully enrolled students at TU Braunschweig. In addition, the statutes of the student initiative must be included in the application and the enrollment certificates of the students who have signed the letter.
If your initiative has been registered, you must remember to send feedback to the TU’s legal department (11) by October 1st of each year so that the registration remains valid.
Regulations for the registration of student associations at the TU Braunschweig
The regulations for the registration of student associations at TU Braunschweig set out the rules, rights and obligations of student initiatives. Your student initiative must comply with these regulations in order to be registered at TU Braunschweig.
Please read the regulations carefully.
Here you will find a summary of the most important points:
Student associations are defined in the regulations as an association of people who jointly pursue university or study-related purposes and have formulated a statute according to which they are organized. In addition, the majority of members must be enrolled students at TU Braunschweig.
Your initiative must be open to students of all genders, nationalities and origins on an equal footing. And it must be free of racism, discrimination, incitement to hatred and sexism! In addition, the purposes and goals of the initiative must correspond to the self-image and mission statement of TU Braunschweig and, of course, comply with the law and the constitution.
The Articles of Association
Don’t worry if you’ve never written a statute before! You can find a sample statute here.
The statutes of your initiative must be formulated in gender-equitable language and also contain the name of the student initiative, the study- or university-related purpose it pursues and the bodies according to which the initiative is structured. Typical examples are the executive board and the general meeting. The board must consist of at least one person and one deputy and can only be made up of enrolled TU students. The statutes must also specify the regulations for joining and leaving the initiative. You should note that the majority of members must always be enrolled students at TU Braunschweig.
TIP: Take a look at the student initiatives at TU Braunschweig here. If you need help writing your statutes, you can write to initiatives that pursue a similar purpose or goal and ask them about their statutes. They will be happy to help you.
Who decides on registration as a student initiative?
The completed application is submitted to the AStA together with the attachments. The AStA reviews the application and can submit a statement within two weeks. The contents of this statement will then be included in the further examination and, if necessary, discussed with the AStA.
Ultimately, the Presidential Board decides on recognition as a student initiative at TU Braunschweig by a simple majority vote. Once a year, the Executive Board then reports to the Senate on the recognition of new or further concerns of the student initiatives.
Rights of a student initiative of the TU Braunschweig
Recognized student initiatives are included in the written register of TU Braunschweig and are also listed in the online register on the TU Braunschweig website. In addition, recognized initiatives can use the addition “TU Braunschweig” in their name, for example. However, logos and seals can only be used with the written consent of TU Braunschweig. The Gauß-IT-Zentrum supports student initiatives with IT resources, for example to create their own website. The university’s rooms are available to student initiatives if a member of the Executive Board sends an application to the responsible administrative office (Division 3, Department 31). This office decides on the approval for use and whether a fee is charged for use. In addition, registered student initiatives can run information stands on the university campus and put up notices on the TU notice boards (if the corresponding application has been approved by Division 3 (Department 31)).
Duties of student initiatives at the TU Braunschweig
An unsolicited, written response must be submitted to the responsible administrative office (Department 11) by October 1 of each year. This must contain the following information:
- Names and addresses of the Board members
- Number of members
- Declaration on the continued existence of the association on the basis of the submitted articles of association
- Notification of changes
- You can find the form for the re-registration application here
Significant changes to the names and addresses of the members of the Board of Directors, the number of members or the declaration of continued existence must be reported immediately to the responsible administrative office, despite the annual reporting obligation.
If the purpose or goal of your initiative changes due to significant changes in the statutes, you must submit a new application for registration as a student initiative of TU Braunschweig.
Do you have any questions? Then get in touch with us or the AStA!