Create surveys for projects


As the project leader or sponsor of a project, you have the option of creating surveys. You can use public surveys to gather the opinions of the Sandkasten community or project fans. Internal team surveys are also possible. You can create the survey in the “Feedback” tab within the project view.

The polls are published in the “Feedback” tab and can also be voted on there. When public polls are created, the fans of the project are informed by e-mail.

In principle, only registered users can see the surveys.

Create survey

As a project manager or sponsor, you can create a survey within your project view under the “Feedback” tab. In the form, you can ask your question, add a description so that your survey is understood correctly and specify the possible answers.

Make settings

You can also define your target group and specify how long your poll should be active. Within this period, your target group can vote with just one click and one vote.


Depending on the target group, either all fans of the project are notified of new polls or only the project team. Everything else is up to you to publicize your poll and get as many people from the sandbox community as possible to vote. Use your social media channels or whatever you can think of.

As soon as a survey is completed, an automatic e-mail notification is sent to the target group so that everyone is informed of the result.

At the moment, single-choice surveys are possible. However, multiple-choice surveys and individual answer options for the target group will soon also be possible.

If you have any further ideas, tips, feedback or suggestions, we look forward to hearing from you. Help us and make the survey feature even better. Just get in touch with

Have fun with your surveys.