Music and the law – everything you need to know about GEMA

Wiebke Zimmermann
Sandkasten (former)

Mara Wesemüller
Sandkasten (former)


Just in case, we have summarized all the answers for you here!

If you want to play music and/or have live music at your event, you must register with a user account on the GEMA website. Each project is responsible for registering and logging in itself. As the registration process takes a little longer, you should think about it early on. Talk to your project coach if you have any questions.

User accounts can only be created by private individuals, so you or another person from your project must register with their e-mail address and also enter an address of yours or a project member as the default/correspondence address. You can then choose from various categories that apply to your project or event (e.g. background music, live music, …). A set list only needs to be submitted if there is live music, in all other cases this is not necessary.

For the billing address you enter your own address. The procedure then corresponds to a cash reimbursement. You will then be reimbursed by the university for the costs you have incurred. It is important that the application for reimbursement of cash expenses is received by us no later than 2 weeks after the costs were incurred. All further information on the correct procedure for reimbursement of cash expenses can be found in the corresponding handbook article.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with your project coach or send us a message.

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