Event registration and your location

Wiebke Zimmermann
Sandkasten (former)


If you are also thinking about organizing your own event, you can find out the essentials about registration here. On the one hand, you have to formally register your event. But you also need a location for your event. It is particularly important at the beginning that you know how big your event will be.


Before you can register your event, you first need a venue:
As a general rule, you should register your event with the relevant contact person for your planned location as soon as possible. Here you will find an overview of many suitable venues with the relevant contact persons.

If the desired location is on the TU campus, you must submit an application to the room allocation. A registration or request must be received at least five working days before the start of the event (hoersaalvergabe@tu-braunschweig.de)!

If your event is larger in scale, it is best to write to the room allocator an email about who you are (e.g. departmental group or student association), what you are planning (e.g. cinema series), how many participants you are expecting, when and for how long the event is planned and which location you would like to use for it. Some details may then need to be discussed, but this will result from the correspondence with the room allocation.

Event registration

Once you know where your event is to take place and how many visitors you are expecting, it’s time to register your event. A distinction is made between small and large events:

Small events

  • Event on a small scale
  • up to approx. 100 people
  • outside the quiet hours
  • e.g. student council barbecues, readings on the university square

For small events, it is sufficient if you contact the current contact person of the lecture hall allocation by e-mail.

The e-mail should contain the following information:

  • Date and exact time of the event
  • Location where the event is to take place
  • Number of people expected
  • Number and names of first aiders (if at all necessary, see: First aider calculator)

Large events

  • open to the public
  • up to approx. 500 people
  • e.g. Feierabendbeats 2.0

Larger events must be approved by the building management, the state construction management and the occupational safety department and registered with the der lecture hall allocation department.

Requirements for building management:

  • Description of the event
  • Map with all spatial details of the event (construction plan)
  • Assessment of the state construction management
  • Assessment of the occupational safety department
  • Number of people expected
  • Number and names of first aiders
  • Medical service and number of stewards

Requirements of state construction management:

  • Description of the event
  • Map with all spatial details of the event (set-up plan)
  • Number of people expected
  • Number of first aiders/paramedics
  • Number of stewards
  • Noise protection protocol during the event (noise measuring device can be borrowed from occupational safety or Sandkasten)

Also note:
From a certain event size, event liability insurance is also required. The costs for this cannot be covered by the TU. Please contact your coach for this.

A few final tips:

  • Use the venue overview to find proven venues that suit your event
  • contact the responsible administrative staff in good time
  • be considerate of the neighbors

Of course, there is more to event planning than just registering. Here you can find out everything about income at your events, music, the correct handling of food and safety.

If you have any questions, simply contact your project coach.
Have fun at your event!

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