Find helpers

To start a project, all you need is an idea. There are a number of ways to find people who want to take part.
1.) You can use the Sandkasten platform to specify what kind of help you need when you create your project. You can look for team members who will become an integral part of your project team or helpers who will lend a hand at the event or assist with smaller tasks.
2.) There is a very useful feature for project managers on the sandbox platform: you can reach all fans who support your idea via the news. When you post a news item about your project, all fans are automatically notified by email and receive your text. This is a great place to start a call for helpers, since people are already supporting your project online, they may want to lend a hand even more. You can find more information in the manual useful platform features.

3.) Of course - you can always reach many people via social media. Post the campaign or your appeal in the relevant social media channels and other groups (e.g. the TU Braunschweig group, first semester groups, student council groups).
4.) Use your “multipliers”! Which of your friends is super connected on social media or elsewhere? Ask them to share the campaign and other information about what help you need. This will help you reach a lot of people quickly.
5.) Talk to the team behind the Sandkasten platform. They can also use the social media channels of Sandkasten and their newsletter to draw attention to the fact that you and your project team still need active support. They are also happy to draw attention to your project and what kind of help you could use at events.
6.) Start your own event where you present your idea to others, think about a Guerilla marketing campaign and approach people personally. You can often achieve the most through personal contact.

7.) On the Sandkasten platform you can search helpers for your project. The requests will be displayed and advertised for 21 days. As soon as someone responds, you will receive an email and can contact them immediately.
In addition, all users will be listed in your project view, event view or, if applicable, in your organization view, so you can contact them again at any time if you can’t get anywhere on your own.