Sponsoring and donations?

In principle, it is possible and also helpful if you get support for your project from external partners. A few crates of different drinks or simply money can help your project move forward.
However, there is a catch to the story: unfortunately, TU Braunschweig is not allowed to actively sponsor.
This means:
You can only raise donations for your project. Donations – whether in kind or in cash - may not be made in return. Huge banners with large logos in return for the donation are not possible.
However, a mention with logo on a poster of the project or event is fine. You can also list your partners and sponsors as partners on the Sandkasten platform – without a link to them. There should be no problems here.
Of course, it’s harder to find partners without offering them an active advertising platform, but look on the bright side: if you find a donor who will help you without wanting your whole arm, that’s usually a better choice than making a quick buck through a sponsor. You put a lot of time and love into your project, so don’t let a company steal it from you as an advertising platform.
Another possibility is the BHB (Braunschweigischer Hochschulbund e.V.). The association may have funding for your project. There is also the opportunity to present your project there once a year and receive funding. For more detailed information, please visit the website.
That’s it already! Have fun with your project!
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