Start-up support at the technology transfer office

Have you ever thought about turning an idea into a real product and founding a company? It is precisely the need to make a positive contribution to social coexistence that inspires many university members to create something new in order to solve small and large problems for the benefit of all.
If you feel the same way, please contact us!
We offer you a comprehensive range of support to get your idea, your business off the ground. You can use our Coaching at any time or our free workstations for undisturbed preparation of your start-up project. If you have very specific questions, we can put you in touch with experts in a regional start-up network where you can meet lawyers, marketing experts or management consultants, for example, who can put your project on a solid footing. In various event formats, you will have the opportunity to get to know other founders, exchange ideas and network.
In short: We are happy to help an initial vague idea grow into a mature and sustainable business model.
It makes no difference whether the start-up idea comes from an in-depth scientific context or is something that has arisen spontaneously and has an immediate practical benefit. As the financial backing always plays an important role when setting up a company, we help with the application for funding and/or the search for further financing options.
We always welcome any innovative idea, any product, any service from any specialist field.
So if setting up a company is an issue for you, feel free to drop by at any time and get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!