The committee and project applications

Ideally, projects that are implemented via the Sandkasten platform should appeal to many target groups on campus. As not all campus members can be consulted for every project, there is a representative committee made up of different disciplines and status groups.
You can find the current members of the committee at about us.
Tasks of the committee
The committee primarily has an advisory function. It must be informed about all upcoming projects during the idea presentation phase and when the application for implementation is submitted.
In addition to its advisory function, the committee can also submit a VETO against a project within one week. However, this must be decided unanimously and/or solely by the building management.
Another task of the committee is to promote projects if this is desired and/or appropriate for the respective department.
The idea presentation
The project ideas can be presented to the committee directly on the platform in “Phase 1 - In the head”.
Once you have done this, the committee will receive an automatically generated email with all the key data of your project and a link to the project page. Please make sure that your project idea is already clear and well presented. The purpose of the idea presentation is to counteract any problems that may arise before implementation. If you have not received any feedback within a week, the committee has no objections.
The implementation request
The implementation application is submitted to the committee at the end of “Phase 2 - On paper”.
The procedure is similar to the idea submission. This is also submitted via the Sandkasten platform and an automatically generated email is sent. The main difference between the idea presentation and the implementation application are the details. While the idea presentation should only outline the idea, the implementation application is about more precise details and planning steps.
The following questions should now be answered on your project page:
- What specifically is to be implemented?
- What does the financial planning look like?
- What steps have already been taken?
- Have any necessary third-party approvals been obtained?
- Has sponsorship been considered / has a transfer agreement been made?